Sunday, December 26, 2010

The 21st Century Abolitionist- December 2nd, 2010

The 21st Century Abolitionist

We are in times of tremendous restructuring within the Republican Party. Black Conservatives are demanding their rightful seat at the decision making table after accomplishing historic wins this past election.  The Frederick Douglass Foundation was at the forefront of the Republican Party's success this fall with the promotion and subsequent election of a number of Black GOP candidates. Derived from these events was a momentum fostered from our energy and efforts across the country.

People of all races are outraged with the direction this country is headed.  Socialism is being choked down our throats, as immoral legislation is being pushed through the lame duck, democratic lead congress including: repeal of don't ask don't tell, the Dream Act and  the heavily funded "health initiative" that promote population control and furthering the efforts of the eugenics movement.

As previously stated, "We are not resting". Allowing Status Quo to prevail within the party at such a pivotal moment in American history would be irresponsible on all principle based true conservatives. The Frederick Douglass Foundation is keeping the momentum going as we are stepping forward to maintain the voice in Washington that speaks to the needs of the black community.

Timothy F. Johnson, Ph.D.
Founder & Chairman
The Frederick Douglass Foundation

"...And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone...your interference is doing him positive injury. ... I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs. Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done." - Frederick Douglass
Recent News
Hillary Clinton announced the launch of a new program that according to Clinton will now become the centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy.  This new program is known as the Global Health Initiative, and it is being incredibly well-funded. According to Clinton, 63 billion dollars will be spent by the U.S. to prevent pregnancies and to improve "family planning" services around the globe over the next six years.  In other words, the new centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy is all about eugenics and population control. Read more here

Democrat Leaders have not sought to protect the sanctity of U.S. Citizenship. Harry Reid and other Dems are trying to undermine our national security efforts and border control by creating legislation they believe will booster votes for the DEM party in 2012 from Mexican Americans. Read more here

Allen West, one of two black Republicans just elected to House, goes against grain... "I've been there," West said in a video recorded after the Kansas rally. "We've got to get away from political correctness on the battlefield. Stop believing we can treat the enemy in such a kind and benevolent way." Read more here. 

Only 31% of black Democrats in America say homosexual relations are morally acceptable, roughly the same as the 30% of Republicans who agree, while very much different from the 61% of nonblack Democrats who say homosexual relations are morally acceptable. Read more here 

Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain criticized the Obama administration's decision to try to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that prevents gay service members from serving openly in the military, saying Sunday that "the system is working." Read more here 

If any materials in the next posting of documents by the WikiLeaks site were provided by government officials without proper authorization, "they were provided in violation of U.S. law and without regard for the grave consequences of this action," the U.S. State Department's legal adviser said. Click her for details 

State Department says new WikiLeaks document dump would risk lives...Watch clip here 
Spotlight on FDF Members and Candidates

Anne Marie Buerkle (R-NY) Un-Seats Incumbent Dan Maffei in Congressional win for the 25th District
By: Ayesha Kruetz

  Chaplain Ayesha Kruetz and Anne Marie Buerkle.
NEW YORK- The Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York is proud of Congressman-elect Ann Marie Buerkle.  She will be the first Congressional member of the Frederick Douglass Foundation.

Republican candidate, Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25), fought an uphill battle against incumbent Democrat congressman Dan Maffei and solidified the win despite running in a heavily Democrat district.  Greatly underfunded compared to her opponent, Buerkle ran an amazing campaign, holding firm to Jesus Christ, free-market principles and respect for the life of the unborn.

Ann Marie Buerkle, a pro-life woman and staunch conservative, didn't take any voter for granted.  She has proven again that when pro-life and pro-family principles are articulated properly by candidates that the people make the right choice.  By being involved, attentive and responsive, Congressman-elect Ann Marie Buerkle proved she is the right kind of person to get the change the country really needs- not the socialist snake oil the President is constantly peddling.  She is the kind of Republican we are proud to help get elected."

On behalf of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, we congratulate Ann Marie Buerkle for her tremendous victory and look forward to working with her in the future.

If you have an upcoming event or speaking engagement, please email for inclusion in the newsletter.
2011 Republican Freedom Calendar
Calendars Are In and Better Than Ever!

Order Today and Pay $14.95! (includes Shipping and Handling)
Click Here to Order Your Calendar, Today

The 2010 General Election is over and there are a number of new faces heading to Washington, DC representing the Republican Party. This calendar marks the historic 2010 election and provides a host of color filled paged with tons of history making moments
Sample of 28 Pages Calendar

 These Calendars Make Great Christmas Gifts!!!Send us an email when ordering 5 or more....Receive a HUGE DISCOUNT when you order a Box of 125 calendars
What an exciting year 2010 has been!


entertainment book
The Frederick Douglass Foundation is selling Entertainment Books to raise money for our activities and efforts. You can get a book for your city and state and save thousands of dollars on restaurants and shops you may already visit. Books range from $20-$30 depending on your area.

Click here to purchase your book today and help the Frederick Douglass Foundation in our fundraising efforts.

The Manhattan

Institute is looking for talented undergraduate students in the New York City area for our internship program  for the fall and spring term internships

Spring term applications are due January 15, 2011.  
Summer 2011 will be due January 28, 2011

Manhattan Institute internships provide students interested in public policy with a unique work experience at a leading right-of-center think tank. MI brings free market perspective to key domestic policy issues, including budget and fiscal issues, energy, health care, education, and culture. Interns are given broad exposure to our work by contributing directly to various MI departments. Responsibilities include editing, administrative tasks, and some research. Interns are matched according MI's needs, the applicants past experience and their interests.

Students wishing to apply should send a 500 to 700 word autobiography, a current resume, a recommendation from a former employer or teacher, a transcript and a writing sample. The autobiography should explain the student's education, work, other activities and future goals as they relate to an internship at the Manhattan Institute. Particular emphasis should be placed on why the student wishes to work in domestic public policy. In other words-why you and why the Manhattan Institute?

Fall and spring internships are part-time for a minimum of 20 hours a week (hourly wage). Summer internships are full-time for 10-12 weeks adjustable to the student's academic schedule. Summer interns are paid a weekly stipend.

All questions should be emailed to

Applications should be addressed to Internship Program, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, Second Floor, New York, New York, 10017, 212.599.7000.

Visit The John Langston Forum here. 


NRSC Internships

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is seeking interns to fill positions for the 2011 Spring Semester. The NRSC offers an exciting and fast paced environment with firsthand experience in Communications, Fundraising, Campaigns, New Media, and Research.

We look forward to sharing more of our unique experiences with those who are willing to contribute their information, time, and expertise.
All NRSC Internships are unpaid, and applicants should preferably be juniors or seniors in college. Deadline is the third week in January.
We recognize the unpredictable nature of academic schedules.  However, if accepted, interns are expected to work between 20-30 hours per week. While semester-long internships are preferred for the Spring Session, we are flexible and willing to accommodate you if there is a conflict.

Please submit a resume, cover letter, and letter of recommendation to, attention: Jamie K Johnson


We are in Search of Young Women Pro-Life Leaders to Honor at our Feb. 16 Gala in Washington,D.C.

If you know a young woman under the age of 30 who is leading the fight to protect the unborn in your community, whether on a university campus, in politics, in the media, or in a local pregnancy center, please nominate her today.  The SBA List wants to honor and encourage a new group of young pro-life women leaders in their efforts to stand up for Life.

Please download the nomination form today and mail it to the SBA List office at 1707 L Street, NW, Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036 or email it to Natalie Valentine at See further details in the email message below.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

For Life,

Michele Tennery


The SFLA Nsfla_logoational Conference is a day full of education, training, and networking with fellow college students and national pro-life leaders who care to make a difference on their college and university campuses by proclaiming the pro-life message. This is the premiere pro-life conference of the year!

Don't ever again feel like the sole pro-life college student in America. Meet your contemporaries in the movement face to face. Share your stories with each other and benefit from the experience of the many seasoned pro-life activists and speakers we bring to the conference.

Attend the SFLA National Conference on January 23, 2011 and then join thousands of pro-lifers at the March for Life to commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 24, 2011.

When:  January 23, 2011 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Where: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel
           5701 Marinelli Road
            Bethesda, Maryland 20852
Download Our Flyer  here!

Acton University
June 14-17 2011- Grand Rapids, MI
Acton University is a unique, four-day exploration of the intellectual foundations of a free society. Guided by a distinguished, international faculty, Acton University is an opportunity to deepen your knowledge and integrate rigorous philosophy, Christian theology and sound economics.

At Acton University, you will:

Build your own curriculum. Choose from more than seventy courses ranging from the theological and philosophical, to the policy-oriented and practical.

Learn from world-class faculty. Meet leading authorities on economics, theology, public policy, globalization, the environment, and other disciplines.

Network. Interact with people from diverse backgrounds who share a concern about issues at the heart of faith and freedom.

Equip yourself to engage in the debate. Better articulate your understanding of the Judeo-Christian view of liberty and morality and its application in a free and virtuous society.

Leadership of the Frederick Douglass Foundation encourages all members to attend this four day event. Visit for more information regarding Acton Institute or click here for registration. Scholarships are available.

Contact Kara Eagle at (616)454-3080 or


The Frederick Douglass Foundation is a public policy and educational organization which brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation. We are a collection of pro-active individuals committed to developing innovative and new approaches to today's problems with the assistance of elected officials, scholars from universities and colleges and community activists. For more information, visit

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