The 21st Century Abolitionist |
Dear ,
As we move beyond the 2010 elections and the celebrations have been had, we at the Frederick Douglass Foundation know it's time to get back to reality.
Chairs and leadership vow to remain vigilant in our efforts of holding our newly elected Congressional leaders, State legislators and Executives accountable for the hopes and principles expressed during the election season.
State leadership for the Frederick Douglass Foundation are actively mobilizing on the grassroots front to garner support of local GOP groups creating collaborations and key relationships. As it is our goal heading towards 2011 and 2012 to represent ourselves in strong indivisible numbers.
It goes with saying...
The Frederick Douglass Foundation realizes issues plaguing urban communities are far more pressing, outreaching and imperative to the needs of black sub-culture than those provincial concerns of Elitist Black NAACP Leaders.
NAACP Chairman Ben Jealous and NC State Chairman William Barber are still talking about a racist Tea Party when black children are forced to attend failing schools while the achievement gap continues to expand for Black males.
Our military personnel are being subjected to liberal ideas that systematically threaten the core values of our country. The number of unwed black mothers have more than tripled in the last 40 years while engulfed in President Johnson's "great society" programs and abortion is still the number one cause of infant mortality in the nation.
All this resulting under the "careful" watch of the NAACP and the Democrat agenda. The time for "change" has passed, the time for ACTION is now.
Finally, I again express my sincerest gratitude for those who sacrificed selflessly and served our country with honor and courage. To all Veterans and their families; Thank You and God Bless.
Timothy F. Johnson, PhD
Chairman, The Frederick Douglass Foundation
P.S. If you become a follower of our blog, you'll receive updated postings and news from the Frederick Douglass Foundation automatically. Click here to become a follower!

Recent News |
Republicans Look at Budget Maneuvers to Prevent Spending on New Health Law.. "We know he (Obama) feels this is his signature accomplishment... but, we will be revisiting this time after time." Read more here
Tea Partiers Looking to Build Conservative Coalition on Capitol Hill...Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said "the establishment is going to have to deal" with the new generation of political figures. Read more here
It's a success rate that not only CEOs aspire to in their own companies, but the chief executive officer of the United States is expected to achieve for the nation -- and one reason why many conservatives say Barbour is a real contender for promotion to the White House. Read more here
Many Call Carroll an Inspiration...
The black female Republican has made history twice in her political career. Click here for more
West, of Florida, and Tim Scott of South Carolina will be the first two black Republicans to serve in Congress since J.C. Watts, who refused to join the CBC, and the first black GOP members from the Deep South since Reconstruction, but the two have different ideas about whether they should join the CBC
Read more: McAllister's latest piece on "The Root", a warning to Republicans that "Equality is now available to both sides due to voters' willingness to vote incumbents out of office"... Read article here Senate to Vote this Week on Allowing Abortion on Military Bases. Read more here
"The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure" was one of the top-100 e-books on, but after a public outcry it was removed from the website. Read more here.
In Case You Missed It: |
You missed a great night of speakers, education and fellowship! A Note from New York Chapter President Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz on the " Kick Off" event.
Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz and Congressional Candidate Ann Marie Buerkle. |
The mid-term election cycle is now over, and in New York the hard work begins. The Kick Off event was a great success as action was the prevalent message conveyed.
"We need to educate constituents, develop conservative candidates and revitalize our communities by holding seminars and discussion panels, and we need to develop innovative approaches to today's problems with the assistance of elected officials, collegiate scholars and community activists," states Chapter President Ayesha Kreutz.
She finishes her statement by saying:
"As we work together, your membership, donations and voice will help to break the chains that serve to keep so many people stuck with nothing but false hope on the "big-government plantation". Together we can revitalize this state so find out more about volunteering, become a member or donating in the New York area please contact me."
Watch Dr. Timothy Johnson, Chairman and Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, who was our keynote speaker (October 26th 2010) for the "Kick Off" event. Watch clip here.
Watch Chaplain Tommy Davis (October 26th 2010) Watch video here.
Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz
Find out more about us here:
Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York
PO Box 10823 Rochester, NY 14610
Direct: 585-615-9551 Toll Free: 888-698-9571 ext. 112 *************************************************************
Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal Faces New Struggle in Congress By Elisabeth Bumiller and David M. Herszenhorn New York Times WASHINGTON - Prospects for Congress to authorize repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy face new uncertainties as time runs out for the Senate to act and objections remain among Republicans and the most senior ranks of the military. Recent developments on Capitol Hill and within the military - including unusual comments over the weekend about sleeping arrangements by the new commandant of the Marine Corps - have clouded prospects for repeal. The uncertainty comes even as Defense Secretary Robert Gates said for the first time that he would like the Senate to vote to authorize the repeal before the end of the year, and a not-yet-released Pentagon survey of active-duty forces and their families showed that the majority did not care if gay men and women served openly. In the meantime, a federal appeals court in California is considering whether the ban is constitutional. The period of growing doubts in Washington has further aggravated tensions between gay rights groups and President Barack Obama, who campaigned on a promise to end the ban and allow gay men and women to serve openly. Two main forces are working against repeal on Capitol Hill. One is the simple matter of the congressional calendar. There will be little time in the lame-duck session that begins next week for the Senate to vote to authorize the repeal of the policy and reconcile its measure with a version passed by the House. The other obstacle lies in the concerns of Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the senior Republican on the Armed Services Committee. Although McCain has said in the past that he would consider authorizing a repeal of the law once the Pentagon review was complete, he faced a challenge from the right in his re-election fight and campaigned, in part, on a promise to preserve the 17-year-old law that requires troops to keep their sexual orientation secret. McCain blocked consideration of a defense bill in September that included a provision allowing repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," and in recent days he has been in negotiations with Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Armed Services Committee, on whether the "don't ask, don't tell" provision should be stripped from the bill entirely. If that occurs, the Democratic leadership could use other means to bring the measure to the floor, but they would be more time-consuming... Read entire article here. **************************************************************
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The SFLA N ational Conference is a day full of education, training, and networking with fellow college students and national pro-life leaders who care to make a difference on their college and university campuses by proclaiming the pro-life message. This is the premiere pro-life conference of the year!
Don't ever again feel like the sole pro-life college student in America. Meet your contemporaries in the movement face to face. Share your stories with each other and benefit from the experience of the many seasoned pro-life activists and speakers we bring to the conference.
Attend the SFLA National Conference on January 23, 2011 and then join thousands of pro-lifers at the March for Life to commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 24, 2011.
When: January 23, 2011 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Where: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel
5701 Marinelli Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20852
Download Our Flyer here!
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Click here to purchase your book today and help the Frederick Douglass Foundation in our fundraising efforts.
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If you have any information, articles, news stories or events happening in your area, we request that you submit that information to to be included in the newsletter and blog.
Thank you.
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