The 21st Century Abolitionist
Dear , On behalf of the Board of Governors, affiliated state chapters and members of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, we are honored RNC Chairman Michael Steele took time out of his business schedule to make this DVD for our members and supporters to view. Like the Chairman, we are excited about the number of victories the Republican Party was able to claim on November 2. We, also, realize there is still much work for all of us to do across the country. A Special Message from RNC Chairman Michael Steele As a new organization and cited in a number of news outlets throughout the 2010 election cycle, Chairman Steele's willingness to record this message for us shows his continued commitment to win back the White House and add to the number of Republicans in Congress, Governor's mansions, state legislatures, and other elected positions in 2012. Sincerely, Timothy F. Johnson, PhD Chairman, The Frederick Douglass Foundation P.S. If you become a follower of our blog, you'll receive updated postings and news from the Frederick Douglass Foundation automatically. Click here to become a follower! |
Recent News |
The military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy restricting openly gay, lesbian and bisexual people from serving will remain in force while a legal challenge is considered by a federal appeals court, the United States Supreme Court declared Friday. Read more here There is a growing body of evidence showing that right-to-work (RTW) states enjoy faster economic and employment growth than non-RTW states. There are 22 states in the union that have adopted RTW laws. Read more here The home mortgage deduction is one of the most widely used and expensive tax subsidies... "No one can make a serious intellectual argument in favor of the mortgage interest deduction... Why should the government subsidize homeowners rather than renters? The only thing it's good for is middle-class votes." Read more here The national office of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) awarded a grant in 2010 to a Chicago-based group, despite the local CCHD branch's strong warnings that the organization in question coordinated a school-based health program that provides contraception and refers for abortions. Read more here A pilot program at the Army's Fort Jackson near Columbia, South Carolina is offering high school dropouts a chance to earn their GED for free in exchange for their service. The Army hopes this program will keep their enlistment numbers steady as the wars overseas continue. Read more here The Veterans Administration estimates that on any given night, 107,000 veterans are homeless. And more than half of that number - 56 percent - are black, even though blacks account for only 12.8 percent of the U.S. population. Read more here The Appellate Division of the Alameda Superior Court has dismissed all criminal charges against Oakland pro-life witness Pastor Walter Hoye. Click here for more |
Spotlight on FDF Members and Candidates |
![]() WASHINGTON, DC - Timothy F. Johnson, Chairman and Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, formally endorses and encourages the re-election of RNC Chairman Michael Steele. While there are many who are quick to cite the challenges Chairman Steele has had leading the Republican National Committee, those same individuals aren't as fast to give him credit for the numerous victories the Republican Party have achieved during his reign, as Chairman, to include winning back the US House of Representatives. Chairman Steele has proven his ability to overcome personal adversity and lead the Party to overwhelming victories. There is no other choice! ***************************************************************** Frederick Douglass Foundation of Michigan's Stacy Swimp is Involved in all Levels of Community. ![]() A $10,000 grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of Outstate Michigan will help support the "Muenda ready for life initiative," a program of the Saginaw-based juvenile justice organization founded by Stacy Swimp. The grant will support specialized training manuals and journals that help guide and direct approximately 200 at-risk teens. Stacy Swimp, President of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of Michigan, founded in January 2007, Muenda which is a 501 (C)3 juvenile justice organization whose mission is to promote public safety, support community development and provide at-risk Saginaw County teens with workforce development, leadership curriculum, recreational outings and community outreach. For more information on Muenda contact Stacy Swimp at ************************************************************** Enlightened Comments from one of our Readers Last Wednesday marked the 112th anniversary of the Wilmington Race Riots. To commemorate, The Frederick Douglass Foundation sent out a Press Release detailing the historical events that took place on November 10th, 1898 that shaped 100 years of oppressive Jim Crow laws in America. A great number of responses were received praising FDF for their efforts to educate members and affiliates. One such comment from Frances Rice, took her praise a step further to provide more information on the topic. Here is what she wrote: As a follow-up on the excellent Frederick Douglass Foundation article, please note that the 2006 report of a Commission appointed by the Governor of North Carolina prompted the Democratic Party of North Carolina to pass a unanimous resolution in 2007 apologizing for the Democratic Party's role in the bloody 1898 Wilmington Race Riots where dozens of black Americans were massacred. In a letter to the North Carolina Democratic Party, North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Richard H. Moore wrote: "We can no longer ignore the fact that many of us grew up being taught a much sanitized - and inaccurate - history.. The truth is ugly." The national Democratic Party has yet to apologize for their over two hundred history of racism and racial violence against blacks. Facts about racism in the Democratic Party can be found in books such as "A Short History of Reconstruction" by Dr. Eric Foner and "Whites, Blacks & Racist Democrats" by Wayne Perryman. In his book, provides startling details about racism in the Democratic Party from 1792 to 2009. Perryman describes how the Democratic Party became known as the "Party of White Supremacy" that fought to preserve slavery and enacted discriminatory laws to deny civil rights to blacks. Perryman also sued the Democratic Party, demanding an apology for their history of racism based on the Democratic Party' "States Rights" claims. The Democrats admitted their racist past under oath in court, but refused to apologize because they know that they can take the black vote for granted. The Commission's report is posted on the Internet at: The Frederick Douglass Foundation thanks Frances Rice for the thoughtful input and encourages you all to share your thoughts and stories. *************************************************************** If you have an upcoming event or speaking engagement, please email for inclusion in the newsletter. |
2011 Republican Freedom Calendar ![]() What an exciting year 2010 has been! The 2010 General Election is over and there are a number of new faces heading to Washington, DC representing the Republican Party.Leading the charge will be US Senator-Elect Marco Rubio from the Great State of Florida. He will be accompany by four individuals in the US House of Representatives, leading off with his fellow Floridian Congressman-Elect Allen West (FL-22), Tim Scott (SC-1), Bill Flores (TX-17) and Francisco Conseco (WA-23) . We are also excited about the election of Governor-Elect Rick Scott and his running mate Lt. Governor-Elect Jennifer Carroll, who becomes the first Black Female in the state's history to hold the office, Nevada Governor-Elect Brian Sandoval and New Mexico Governor-Elect Susana Marrtinez becoming the first Americans of Hispanic Heritage to lead their states, respectively and, South Carolina's Governor-Elect Nikki Haley becomes the first woman and American of India Heritage to be elected to lead her state. Order Today and Pay $10.00! ($1.50 includes Shipping and Handling) Click Here to Order Your Calendar, Today Calendars will be mailed out starting December 1st ************************************************************** The Manhattan Institute is looking for talented undergraduate students in the New York City area for our internship program for the fall and spring term internships Spring term applications are due January 15, 2011. Summer 2011 will be due January 28, 2011 Manhattan Institute internships provide students interested in public policy with a unique work experience at a leading right-of-center think tank. MI brings free market perspective to key domestic policy issues, including budget and fiscal issues, energy, health care, education, and culture. Interns are given broad exposure to our work by contributing directly to various MI departments. Responsibilities include editing, administrative tasks, and some research. Interns are matched according MI's needs, the applicants past experience and their interests. Students wishing to apply should send a 500 to 700 word autobiography, a current resume, a recommendation from a former employer or teacher, a transcript and a writing sample. The autobiography should explain the student's education, work, other activities and future goals as they relate to an internship at the Manhattan Institute. Particular emphasis should be placed on why the student wishes to work in domestic public policy. In other words-why you and why the Manhattan Institute? Fall and spring internships are part-time for a minimum of 20 hours a week (hourly wage). Summer internships are full-time for 10-12 weeks adjustable to the student's academic schedule. Summer interns are paid a weekly stipend. All questions should be emailed to Applications should be addressed to Internship Program, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, Second Floor, New York, New York, 10017, 212.599.7000. Visit The John Langston Forum here. ************************************************************** NRSC Internships The National Republican Senatorial Committee is seeking interns to fill positions for the 2011 Spring Semester. The NRSC offers an exciting and fast paced environment with firsthand experience in Communications, Fundraising, Campaigns, New Media, and Research. We look forward to sharing more of our unique experiences with those who are willing to contribute their information, time, and expertise. All NRSC Internships are unpaid, and applicants should preferably be juniors or seniors in college. Deadline is the third week in January. We recognize the unpredictable nature of academic schedules. However, if accepted, interns are expected to work between 20-30 hours per week. While semester-long internships are preferred for the Spring Session, we are flexible and willing to accommodate you if there is a conflict. Please submit a resume, cover letter, and letter of recommendation to, attention: Jamie K Johnson ************************************************************** We are in Search of Young Women Pro-Life Leaders to Honor at our Feb. 16 Gala in Washington,D.C. If you know a young woman under the age of 30 who is leading the fight to protect the unborn in your community, whether on a university campus, in politics, in the media, or in a local pregnancy center, please nominate her today. The SBA List wants to honor and encourage a new group of young pro-life women leaders in their efforts to stand up for Life. Please download the nomination form today and mail it to the SBA List office at 1707 L Street, NW, Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036 or email it to Natalie Valentine at See further details in the email message below. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. For Life, Michele Tennery *************************************************************** The Americano to Host First Annual Hispanic Forum and Gala in Washington, DC The Americano announced its First Annual Hispanic Forum and Gala to be held at the Washington Hilton in DC on December 2-3, 2010. The theme of the Forum will be The Road to Freedom: Sharing American Liberty with Hispanics Around the Globe. The Conference will focus on the importance of defending American values, democracy, and how best to counter political messages that threaten our natural right to freedom. The idea behind this event is to bring Hispanics together to engage in today´s hot topics. Discussions will include: Reflections on Hispanic Economy in the U.S., Immigration and National Security, Hispanic Media and Its Impact, Latino Blogs and Social Media, and Terrorism in the Americas. There will also be a "Consensus Lunch Discussion" with the purpose of creating a bipartisan agreement for the development of the Hispanic community. Newt Gingrich will be joined on the panel by former Prime Minister José María Aznar of Spain, and top U.S. Hispanic leaders that include: Secretary Carlos Gutiérrez, Leslie Sánchez, Hector Barreto Jr., Álvaro Vargas-Llosa, Ruben Navarrete, Rachel Campos-Duffy, and others. **************************************************************** ![]() The Frederick Douglass Foundation is selling Entertainment Books to raise money for our activities and efforts. You can get a book for your city and state and save thousands of dollars on restaurants and shops you may already visit. Books range from $20-$30 depending on your area. Click here to purchase your book today and help the Frederick Douglass Foundation in our fundraising efforts. **************************************************************The SFLA N ![]() Don't ever again feel like the sole pro-life college student in America. Meet your contemporaries in the movement face to face. Share your stories with each other and benefit from the experience of the many seasoned pro-life activists and speakers we bring to the conference. Attend the SFLA National Conference on January 23, 2011 and then join thousands of pro-lifers at the March for Life to commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 24, 2011. When: January 23, 2011 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Where: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel 5701 Marinelli Road Bethesda, Maryland 20852 1-301-822-9200 Download Our Flyer here! or **************************************************************** Acton University June 14-17 2011- Grand Rapids, MI Acton University is a unique, four-day exploration of the intellectual foundations of a free society. Guided by a distinguished, international faculty, Acton University is an opportunity to deepen your knowledge and integrate rigorous philosophy, Christian theology and sound economics. At Acton University, you will: Build your own curriculum. Choose from more than seventy courses ranging from the theological and philosophical, to the policy-oriented and practical. Learn from world-class faculty. Meet leading authorities on economics, theology, public policy, globalization, the environment, and other disciplines. Network. Interact with people from diverse backgrounds who share a concern about issues at the heart of faith and freedom. Equip yourself to engage in the debate. Better articulate your understanding of the Judeo-Christian view of liberty and morality and its application in a free and virtuous society. Leadership of the Frederick Douglass Foundation encourages all members to attend this four day event. Visit for more information regarding Acton Institute or click here for registration. Scholarships are available. QUESTIONS? Contact Kara Eagle at (616)454-3080 or ******************************************************************** The Frederick Douglass Foundation is a public policy and educational organization which brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation. We are a collection of pro-active individuals committed to developing innovative and new approaches to today's problems with the assistance of elected officials, scholars from universities and colleges and community activists. For more information, visit |
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