Sunday, December 26, 2010

In Case You Missed It: Lenny McAllister Challenges Congressmen-elect to Greatness and Discusses a New Way for Republicans This Week on TV-One

November 15, 2010
Media Contact: Alesha Martin
(888)698-9571 ext. 125 or

Political commentator and radio host (WVON's "Launching Chicago with Lenny McAllister") will appear on TV One's "Our World with Black Enterprise" with host Marc Lamont Hill as well as on the November 21 edition of "Weekly with Ed Gordon" on the BET network.

New-school Republican pundit McAllister sparred with old-school Black conservative Armstrong Williams during the show while discussing "The Browning of the GOP" after the historic elections of several minority candidates on Election Night. Hill conducted the 45-minute interview with Frederick Douglass Republican activist Vanessa Jean Louis, McAllister, and Williams. The show will appear both online and on TV-One this week starting Sunday; (check local listings for airtime in your locale.)

"Some Black conservatives don't see the need today to be openly proud of both being Black and being American simultaneously," McAllister said offset after the show. "I do."

WVON's McAllister is also set to appear on the BET weekly political program along with guests that include television talk show host Wendy Williams ("The Wendy Williams Show") to discuss the latest in politics and current events. "Weekly with Ed Gordon" appears Sunday evenings on BET; (check local listings for airtime in your locale.)

McAllister is also slated to appear on National Public Radio's "Tell Me More" this Monday; (check local radio listings for airtime in your area.)

McAllister has remained busy with both "Launching Chicago" as well as appearing in new media. His latest controversial article "Memo to the New Black Republicans in Congress" on The Root is a direct challenge to the newly-elected Black Republicans into Congress.

McAllister's former criticism of Congressman-elect Allen West's (R-FL) statement that "...institutional racism is dead..." resonates in his letter requesting that West and fellow Congressman-elect Tim Scott (R-SC) be mindful of their historical obligations as well as their political ones starting in January 2011:

As candidates running in mostly white districts, you could not make race a dominant issue in your campaigns. That was a good winning strategy. What I want to talk to you about now, though, is not campaigning but, rather, leadership.

You have a choice, gentlemen: You can be footnotes in American history or you can play historic roles in tomorrow's America. Black people in America need you to become historic civic servants who will also advocate on their behalf as we work to lift America out of the problems that keep us mediocre internationally -- in education, employment and health care -- all issues that impact black America negatively.

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McAllister recent pieces on The Daily Caller and Global Grind are currently available as they are each week.

You can catch Launching Chicago with Lenny McAllister each Tuesday through Friday at 5 AM Chicago Time (6 AM EST/3 AM PST) on The Talk of Chicago 1690 AM WVON (streaming online at as well as a guest co-host on "Stepkid Radio" Fridays at 6 AM on WVON. McAllister also appears as a guest co-host on Stepkid Radio Fridays at 6 AM (7 AM EST / 4 AM PST) on WVON. McAllister's official WVON blog for "Launching Chicago" ("Lenny McAllister's Launching Pad") is now available via the section of the WVON website.

Lenny McAllister is a social commentator, current events orator, and radio host of Launching Chicago with Lenny McAllister, featured weekday mornings on The Talk of Chicago 1690 AM WVON (streaming online at Lenny is recognized by many as a rising leader nationally, appearing regularly on various television outlets and in traditional and new media as a syndicated writer.

McAllister has coined as a socially-conscious activist committed to humble, servant leadership" with a mission to make positive changes to the status quo within politics, social issues and other issues that hamper our American way of life."

His on-air conservations, public speaking appearances, op-ed commentaries, and community work share a common purpose: serving people and building a better America for her citizens. For more information, please visit

Lenny McAllister: A leader listening to and working with you. To have Lenny speak to your group or audience, please contact

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