Sunday, January 2, 2011

Late-Term Abortionist Moves into Germantown, Md Clinic

December 2, 2010
Media Contact: Alesha Martin
(888)698-9571 ext. 125 or

Washington DC- Late-term abortionist, Leroy Carhart, the Nebraska doctor who is one of the few in the country to perform abortions late in a pregnancy is planning to begin offering the controversial procedures at a clinic in Germantown, Md; states a Washington Post report. A late-term abortion refers to an induced abortion procedure that occurs ANY time after 20 weeks gestation. Maryland is ideal for the abortionist as the state has no restrictive pro-life legislation.

Formally based in Nebraska, Carhart was poetically ousted by Nebraska's new abortion ban, Legislative Bill 1103, which made the barbaric procedure illegal. It is suspected Carhart logistically chose Maryland to target DC residents. Maryland, which enacted a FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) - type law in 1991, has seen a huge increase in abortions in the state, while abortions nationwide have decreased.

Leadership and staff of the Frederick Douglass Foundation are outraged that such a procedure is seen as a protected right in some states. In light of these reports Dr. Timothy F. Johnson, Chairman and Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, expressed his deep concern for the direction the country is headed when discussing the right to life topic.

"When so many can remain complacent to the injustices of an unborn child, we know there is a great need for prayer," states Dr. Johnson.

"The impact of abortion procedures on the black community is vast as it is the number one cause of death for blacks in the United States. Mothers need a support system, an outreach group of counselors, pro-life advocates and spiritual leaders who can provide alternatives to abortion."

"Operation Rescue is working with Maryland and Washington, D.C. pro-life groups to employ peaceful, legal means to halt Carhart's plans to do late-term abortions in Germantown," the group said in a statement.

Chairman Johnson ends his statement by saying, "We, at the Frederick Douglass Foundation believe all should respect the God-given right to life by recognizing all human beings as persons who are "created in the image of God" from the beginning of their biological development... without exceptions."

For more information on black genocide and the devastating effects abortion is having on black communities, visit

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The Frederick Douglass Foundation is a public policy and educational organization
which brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation. We are a collection of pro-active individuals committed to developing innovative and new approaches to today's problems with the assistance of elected officials, scholars from universities and colleges and community activists. For more information, visit

1 comment:

  1. can you define any further Medical Assistant Schools in NE? I am still in vague about the topic though.
